社区大佬 Norm Matloff 开始喊话 Tidyverse 了
Language unity
Horrible loss for R.
Python is currently undergoing a transition from version 2.7 to 3.x.
This will cause some disruption, but nothing too elaborate.
By contrast, R is rapidly devolving into two mutually unintelligible
dialects, ordinary R and the Tidyverse. Sadly, this is a conscious
effort by a commercial entity that has come to dominate the R world,
RStudio. I know and admire the people at RStudio, but a commercial
entity should not have such undue influence on an open-source project.
It might be more acceptable if the Tidyverse were superior to ordinary
R, but in my opinion it is not. It makes things more difficult for
beginners. E.g. the Tidyverse has so many functions, some complex, that
must be learned to do what are very simple operations in base R. Pipes,
apparently meant to help beginners learn R, actually make it more
difficult, I believe. And the Tidyverse is of questionable value for
advanced users.
摘自 <https://github.com/matloff/R-vs.-Python-for-Data-Science>