• R语言
  • R 2.15.0 安装时 怎么 没有 ‘message translation’ 勾选的项?


回复 第2楼 的 波波头一头:



回复 第4楼 的 luzifer:R\etc\Rconsole里面

## Language for messages

language = en

回复 第5楼 的 波波头一头:我说了我有万能答案,免得大家千万次地问 [s:11]


回复 第4楼 的 luzifer:同学,你太暴力了。

回复 第6楼 的 谢益辉:然后再把etc下个几个文件(比如 Rprofile.site, Rconsole 等)设成 只读 格式,安装时忽略错误

回复 第6楼 的 谢益辉:精辟的忍者秘籍!!忍者必备[s:11]

这次版本的安装文件可定制选项好少啊,tcl 和 doc 都不能在安装时定制是否装不装了,怎么变成这样了。。

回复 第6楼 的 谢益辉:Nice Job!. One comment and one question:

Comment: It seems that on many (but probably not all) Windows systems, .files can be manually created by using the ".files." as the filename, which tells the system that the extension is null but the main filename contains a dot.

Question: With so many tricky delicacies you mentioned, do you have a list of necessary information that needs to be recorded for the sake of duplicability? Something like

list(sessionInfo=sessionInfo(), Sys.info=Sys.info(),<br />
  Sys.getenv=Sys.getenv(names=TRUE), capabilities=capabilities(),<br />
  options=options(), RNGkind=RNGkind(), .libPaths=.libPaths())

Is there anything else that should be recorded?



回复 第11楼 的 谢益辉:It doesn't work on Win Server 03R2, but it works for Vista, Win7, etc.

I often find it so important to keep all information in the save.image call at the end of any analysis to reproduce results.

4 天 后



The installer has many fewer options with more files always being installed, as a few Mb of file space is nowadays no longer an issue.


