回复 第8楼 的 alma2004:You can, but for better performance, it is recommended to pre-allocate the space. E.g., whe you know A is a numeric matrix, it's better to allocate the space as matrix(NA_real_, 500L, 500L)
before using it.
回复 第8楼 的 nan.xiao:I see.....
回复 第2楼 的 nan.xiao:It doesn't work for me.[s:15]
回复 第11楼 的 谢益辉:It doesn't work on Win Server 03R2, but it works for Vista, Win7, etc.
I often find it so important to keep all information in the
call at the end of any analysis to reproduce results.回复 第2楼 的 谢益辉:它独占一块空间,前后的元素都要让开---Shouldn't the immediate following punctuation mark be an exception?
Is it possible to correctly format punctuation marks right after a code block?
For example, the code
,This is an example
in which the comma should not be the start of the next line.
回复 第6楼 的 谢益辉:Nice Job!. One comment and one question:
Comment: It seems that on many (but probably not all) Windows systems, .files can be manually created by using the ".files." as the filename, which tells the system that the extension is null but the main filename contains a dot.
Question: With so many tricky delicacies you mentioned, do you have a list of necessary information that needs to be recorded for the sake of duplicability? Something like
.list(sessionInfo=sessionInfo(), Sys.info=Sys.info(),<br /> Sys.getenv=Sys.getenv(names=TRUE), capabilities=capabilities(),<br /> options=options(), RNGkind=RNGkind(), .libPaths=.libPaths())
Is there anything else that should be recorded?
I'm a March 31st fool...[s:12]
Is it a SAS problem or a general statistical problem?
Another option is to try a series of subsample sizes, then extrapolate to the total sample size.
回复 第6楼 的 kekememe:
</p><br /> f=function(x,n){k=seq_len(n); sum(k*x^k)}<br /> fr=function(n){stopifnot(n>=0); polyroot(0:n)}<br />
回复 第4楼 的 zjk0507:write a macro and use a loop in it.
- 于 给大家拜年了
回复 第1楼 的 ruikoeln:C跟L第一眼居然看混了。。。
回复 第12楼 的 关 菁菁:比如香港的大学都从哪儿申请grant啊?还有香港的大学是更像北美的评tenure的制度,还是那种签contract的?是学校给发工资,还是自己给发工资啊?
回复 第2楼 的 关 菁菁:SHAZAM是什么?
PROC EXPORT as text files and then read.delim() them.
回复 第10楼 的 bootstrap:You only need to know the "seperator".
回复 第8楼 的 bootstrap:It finds the position of your seperator (e.g., from using select into in proc sql). Then you can use the position to get a substring.