- 于 R与SAS的集成proc_R
给力的民间研发 代发招聘。工作地点北京。有意者可直接联系:zhenglong.tian@gmail.com
Statistical Programmer:
Job descriptions:
The StatisticalProgrammer works with close supervision to support various programmingactivities related to the analysis and reporting of clinical study data.
Deliver best value and high qualityservice, Check own work in an ongoing way to ensure first-time quality,Maintain all supporting documentation for studies in accordance withWSOPs/Guidelines to ensure traceability and regulatory compliance
Ensure compliance withWSOPs/Guidelines, ICH-GCP and any other applicable local and internationalregulations and participate in internal/external audits and regulatoryinspections as required, Use efficient programming techniques to producelow-medium complexity derived datasets, tables, figures and data listings.
Educated to above degreelevel in the relevant discipline is preferred or equivalent work experience.(biological science, pharmacy, biological science, mathematics, statistics orother health-related discipline preferred).
Experience in SAS
Knowledge ofWSOPs/Guidelines/System Life Cycle methodologies, ICH-GCP and any otherapplicable local and international regulations such as 21 CFR Part 11 andproven practical application
Knowledge of theprogramming and reporting process within the Statistical Programming Department
Good in written and oralEnglish.
Demonstrate ability tolearn new systems and function in an evolving technical environment
Attention to detail
Job descriptions:
The Biostatistician works under thesupervision of an experienced biostatistician to assist in the production ofstatistical reports and the programming of tables, listings and figures.
Produce tables, figures and datalistings using efficient programming techniques, Perform statistical analysesunder close supervision, Assist in the production of statistical reports andstatistical sections of integrated clinical reports, Check own work in anongoing manner to ensure first-time quality, Communicate process improvementideas within the department, Travel to, attend and actively contribute to allkind of client meetings as appropriate (e.g. presenting and discussing studyresults accompanying the Biostatistics Lead), Additional responsibilities asdefined by supervisor/manager.
Above Master inStatistics or related discipline entry level, relevant work experience instatistical analysis
Good analytical skills
Attention to detail
Prior experience withSAS programming desirable
Competent in written andoral English in addition to local language
MS in Statistics orrelated discipline entry level, relevant work experience in statisticalanalysis
- 于 统计词话(二)小轩哥出品的果然是精品啊!
- 于 中南大学
- 于 开始学R了
回复 第1楼 的 baoaibaobao:
恩?你那需要用R了?还是换工作了哈? 回复 第1楼 的 lisijie515:
因为数据中v012和v013有不同的缺失情况,proc tabulate在处理时会剔除缺失值,参加帮助中“If you omit MISSING, then PROC TABULATE excludes the observations with any missing CLASS variable values from tables and output data sets.”
而proc freq得到的表下面会说明缺失值的情况。在proc tabulate的class后添加missing选项就清楚了,三种方法得到的结果也是一致的。
</p><br /> proc tabulate data=a;<br /> class v012 sex / missing;<br /> tables (v012='' all='合计'), (all='合计' sex='')* n='';<br /> run;<br />
回复 第4楼 的 zpfouc:
set a时是2个观测,_n_并不是能有6个,你想加一个time的话,再用一次data步吧
</p><br /> data c;<br /> set b;<br /> time=intnx('month','01jan2005'd,_n_-1);<br /> format time date9.;<br /> run;<br />
</p><br /> a b c<br /> 1 2 3<br /> 4 5 6<br />
</p><br /> data b(keep=want);<br /> set a;<br /> array get{3} _all_;/*试例数据集中是3列(变量)*/<br /> do i=1 to 3;<br /> want=get{i};output;<br /> end;<br /> run;<br />
</p><br /> want<br /> 1<br /> 2<br /> 3<br /> 4<br /> 5<br /> 6<br />
http://bbs.pinggu.org/thread-941175-1-1.html楼主用同学的ID默默路过一下 。。。
- 于 怎样学好sas
回复 第1楼 的 baixiaoxubxx:
菜鸟飘过,高效快速把任何一个软件学通对凡人来说都不太现实吧,SAS那么大就更难了 回复 第13楼 的 zwen:
ishare.iask.sina.com.cn/回复 第2楼 的 bztjjzyz:
往邮箱里也发不了啊,网上搜的差不多,大家基本都是从网上下的吧[s:11]回复 第1楼 的 wenfo:
•SAS Model Manager介绍与演示
张磊 首席咨询顾问,SAS中国
张磊目前为SAS中国公司首席咨询顾问。在加入SAS之前,曾任IBM公司高级咨询经理、中国百胜餐饮集团(Yum! China)开发资讯经理和Teradata公司高级经理,成功实施了40多个数据挖掘专题,建立模型超过80个。主要专长在于数据挖掘、商业智能和数据仓库项目的实施和咨询,在数据库、机器学习、统计学等方面具有坚实的理论基础和丰富的实践经验。如何报名参会:
您可以发送邮件至tele-marketing_beijing@sas.com ,或者拨打报名热线:400-818-1081,注明参会并留下您的姓名、公司、部门、职位及联系电话。如果您能够全程参会并填写反馈问卷,我们将随机抽出幸运者赠送SAS专业书籍一本。会议说明:本次研讨会为网络会议,请准备一台电脑并接入互联网,用来显示幻灯片;同时准备一台电话机,用来做语音交流。我们将在收到参会者的注册信息后,为您发送会议的链接及免费接入电话号码。如有疑问,敬请拨打咨询电话:400-818-1081。
- 于 统计词话(一)呵呵,期待下集
- 于 SAS t检验