- 于 考研签到帖嗯, 复试在即, 祝你顺利过关, 进入喜欢的学校.
is what you need for this purpose.ggplot(fata_top15, aes(x=reorder(EVTYPE, all.fata), y=all.fata)) + geom_bar()
- 老大现在不来这儿了? :-(
- 有一个现成的pdf文件, 如何在用knitr写报告时直接插入这个文件?谢了!
- [未知用户]
See below,
http://www.stat.ncsu.edu/people/davidian/courses/st732/notes/ 回复 第4楼 的 yanlinlin82:
其它学科不知道, 但是: Wikipedia, the online encyclopaedia, contains errors in nine out of 10 of its health entries, and should be treated with caution, a study has said.
Another trick.
</p><br /> dat$names1 <- paste(dat$names, rep(1:nrow(dat)), sep="-")</p> <p>p1 <- ggplot(dat, aes(x=reorder(names1, quantity), y=quantity))+<br /> geom_bar(stat='identity')+<br /> facet_grid(~items, scales="free")+<br /> scale_x_discrete(breaks=dat$names1, labels=dat$names)</p> <p>
回复 第5楼 的 Torenable:
"reorder" function can change the levels of factor "names" according to the numerical sequence of "quantity" on the fly.
</p><br /> tmp <- subset(data, items == "earprotector", c(names, quantity))<br /> p1 <- ggplot(tmp, aes(x = reorder(names, quantity), y = quantity)) +<br /> geom_bar(stat = 'identity')<br />
回复 第5楼 的 273275395:
Not really, see below.
</p><br /> dat <- as.data.frame(matrix(rnorm(10), nrow=2))<br /> dat<br /> V1 V2 V3 V4 V5<br /> 1 3.526979 -1.2938406 0.02296229 0.6783160 -0.2186516<br /> 2 -1.174209 -0.5561583 0.32545627 0.7988773 -1.3914670</p> <p>dat[,sample(1:ncol(dat), 2)]<br /> V2 V3<br /> 1 -1.2938406 0.02296229<br /> 2 -0.5561583 0.32545627<br />
回复 第3楼 的 273275395:
Sample the row names, then use it to subset.
</p><br /> dat <- as.data.frame(matrix(rnorm(10), nrow=5))<br /> dat<br /> V1 V2<br /> 1 -0.6436334 1.45972325<br /> 2 0.7862687 -0.51203074<br /> 3 -0.3284080 -0.75884870<br /> 4 -1.1309293 0.02368129<br /> 5 1.1150183 -0.70088764</p> <p>dat[sample(row.names(dat), 2),]<br /> V1 V2<br /> 4 -1.1309293 0.02368129<br /> 1 -0.6436334 1.45972325<br />
</p><br /> graph2 <- ggplot() +<br /> geom_bar(data = growth,<br /> aes(x = factor(day), y = mean, fill = group),<br /> colour = "black", stat = "identity", position = "dodge") +<br /> geom_errorbar(data = growth,<br /> aes(x = factor(day), ymax = mean + se, ymin = mean - se, fill = group),<br /> stat = "identity", position = "dodge")<br />
like this?
</p><br /> > dat <- read.table("clipboard",as.is=T)<br /> > dat<br /> user_id brand_id visit_days type<br /> 1 19500 2257 85 1<br /> 2 19500 4949 85 1<br /> 3 19500 5086 80 5<br /> 4 19500 5086 83 1<br /> 5 19500 6148 85 2<br /> 6 19500 6148 86 1<br /> > dat.m <- melt(dat, id.var=c("user_id", "brand_id", "visit_days"), measure.var=c("type"))<br /> > dat.m<br /> user_id brand_id visit_days variable value<br /> 1 19500 2257 85 type 1<br /> 2 19500 4949 85 type 1<br /> 3 19500 5086 80 type 5<br /> 4 19500 5086 83 type 1<br /> 5 19500 6148 85 type 2<br /> 6 19500 6148 86 type 1<br /> > dat.c <- cast(dat.m, user_id + brand_id + variable ~ visit_days)<br /> > dat.c<br /> user_id brand_id variable 80 83 85 86<br /> 1 19500 2257 type NA NA 1 NA<br /> 2 19500 4949 type NA NA 1 NA<br /> 3 19500 5086 type 5 1 NA NA<br /> 4 19500 6148 type NA NA 2 1<br />
为了have head have tail,自己画个句号。
的确是LaTex问题,有很多讨论和不少解决办法,其中之一是用caption这个package, 可以在\documentclass{article}后面加入
</p><br /> \usepackage{caption}<br />
一个Figure被分成很多页时,可能就有问题. 下面一个Figure分成了25页,就挂了。
</p><br /> \documentclass{article}<br /> \begin{document}</p> <p><<test, echo=FALSE,fig.cap="asdf">>=<br /> library(lattice)<br /> dat <- data.frame(x = rnorm(100),<br /> y = rnorm (100),<br /> a = rep(1:50, ea = 2)<br /> )<br /> xyplot(y~x|a,<br /> data = dat,<br /> layout = c(2, 1)<br /> )<br /> @</p> <p>\end{document}<br />
</p><br /> \documentclass{article}<br /> \begin{document}</p> <p><<test, echo=FALSE,fig.cap="asdf">>=<br /> library(lattice)<br /> dat <- data.frame(x = rnorm(100),<br /> y = rnorm (100),<br /> a = rep(1:20, ea = 5)<br /> )<br /> xyplot(y~x|a,<br /> data = dat,<br /> layout = c(2, 1)<br /> )<br /> @</p> <p>\end{document}<br />
我用Knitr 1.2.
问题一: 如下一个Chunk里面有20张图时,就出错,前几张就会挤在一起,如把 ncol 改成5, 也就是说一个Chunk里面有5张图时,一切正常。
问题二,我想把在同一个里面的20张图都赋予同一个 figure number, 比如"Figure 1",怎么解决?
</p><br /> \documentclass{article}<br /> \begin{document}</p> <p><<test, echo=FALSE,fig.cap="asdf">>=<br /> dat <- matrix(rnorm(100), ncol=20)<br /> for(ii in 1:ncol(dat)){<br /> plot(dat[,ii])<br /> }<br /> @</p> <p>\end{document}<br />
回复 第4楼 的 zggjtsgzczh:
大一课程充斥着:马列,品德教育,军事理论,医学史... 以致美国导师看成绩单认为我是社会学专业[s:12],晕。回复 第3楼 的 superdesolator:
</p></p> <p>lm.velo<-lm(short.velocity~blood.glucose,data=thuesen)</p> <p>qplot(blood.glucose,short.velocity,data=thuesen)+geom_smooth(method="lm")</p> <p>fitted(lm.velo)<br /> resid(lm.velo)</p> <p>pred.frame <- data.frame(blood.glucose=thuesen$blood.glucose)</p> <p>pp<-predict(lm.velo,int="p",<br /> newdata=pred.frame,<br /> interval ="prediction") ## note I changed here</p> <p>mydf<-data.frame(pred.frame,pp)<br /> my.naexclude <- data.frame(thuesen,fitted=fitted(lm.velo),resid=resid(lm.velo))<br /> my.naexclude <- my.naexclude[!is.na(my.naexclude$short.velocity),]</p> <p>## several changes within qplot<br /> qplot(blood.glucose,short.velocity,data=my.naexclude)+<br /> geom_smooth(method="lm", aes(fill="confidence"))+<br /> geom_linerange(aes(ymin=fitted,ymax=short.velocity),<br /> data=my.naexclude,<br /> fullrange=T,<br /> colour="grey50")+<br /> geom_ribbon(aes(x=blood.glucose,y=fit,ymin=lwr,ymax=upr, fill="prediction"),<br /> data=mydf,<br /> alpha=I(1/10))+<br /> scale_fill_manual(values=c("blue", "green"),<br /> name="What_is_it",<br /> breaks=c("confidence", "prediction"),<br /> labels=c("Say_this", "Say_that"))</p> <p>
- 于 如何分段求最大值
<br /> library(MIfuns)<br /> dat <- read.table("clipboard", header = TRUE)<br /> dat$MAX <- with(dat, reapply(value, year, max))<br />
year value MAX
1 2000 123 345
2 2000 345 345
3 2001 124 456
4 2001 456 456
5 2002 125 567
6 2002 567 567