> if (!file.exists("~/.Renviron")) {
+ file.create("~/.Renviron")
+ }
[1] TRUE
> file_path = "~/.Renviron"
> file = file(file_path, open = "a")
> comment = "# ID and PASSWORD of Youdao Translation"
> writeLines(comment, file)
> code_lines = c(
+ "app_key = \"my key\"",
+ "app_secret = \"my secret\""
+ )
> for (code in code_lines) {
+ writeLines(code, file)
+ }
> close(file)
> read_lines("~/.Renviron")
[1] "# ID and PASSWORD of Youdao Translation" "app_key = \"my key\""
[3] "app_secret = \"my secret\""
> library(ecce)
> translate("I like R language")
Error in translate("I like R language") :
You need to provide the ID and PASSWORD of the Youdao API.