1.mcmc is used to sample from a posterior distribution.
2.Suppose that you have a likelihood function l(y_1, y_2, y_3, ...... y_n | theta) and have a prior for theta, for example, normal distribution, denoted as p(theta), then based on the bayes theorem, you have a posterior:
p(theta | y_1, y_2, y_3, ...... y_n ) proportion to l(y_1, y_2, y_3, ...... y_n | theta) * p(theta),
p(theta | y_1, y_2, y_3, ...... y_n ) is the unnormalised distribution for the parameter theta, theta could be a univariate or multivariate.
Actually, we have different method to improve the accept rate of MCMC, from M-H, Gibbs, Hybrid(Hamilton), Adaptive etc and a totally different - stochastic variational inference.
wish these could help you under mcmc.
咱也没有统计学学士背景,但前几年自修时阅读过“马氏链”,有点儿像stats space空间状态分析模式。然后去年才考了专业data scientist文凭...目前在正在啃书进修中~
顺道分享一下,Martin Crowder,Mark Dixon,Anthony Ledford,Mike Robinson2002也使用“马氏链”