

Fun to read.

He thinks that spike-and-slab could achieve sparseness (in posterior mean or median?), which is not intuitive to me.



回复 第6楼 的 谢益辉:是说group lasso相对于lasso的改进吧



回复 第7楼 的 windwail:group lasso实用意义不大,需要事先知道分组策略

回复 第1楼 的 cloud_wei:这个主要是老T不服Tao他们做的Dantzig selector才搞的这个吧?给Dantzig selector的discusstion里面火药味太浓了,记忆犹新

回复 第7楼 的 windwail:兄弟你到底是学什么专业的~

回复 第10楼 的 bootstrap:四处瞎看而已啊。。。增加点见识,不求甚解。。。

回复 第6楼 的 谢益辉:I think he argues that when there are highly correlated predictors, a small change in the data would lead to a different set of selected predictors, as losso tends to randomly pick one of the predictors from a group of higly correlated predictors. Therefore, frequentists' way of inference, i.e., sentences like "conditional on the selected predictor, blah, blah", does not take account of the high uncertainty of the selected subset of predictors. In the Bayesian approach, we report a whole distribution instead of a single subset of selected variables and the uncertainty has be taken account of by marginalization. Moreover, Bayesian lasso can provide estimates of the joint probability of being selected into the model, which by itself is useful because it gives us knowledge about how predictors are related to each other.

If we like MCMC, then Bayesian penalized estiamtors are easy. But for extremely high dimensional data (like millions of predictors seen in genomics), its speed is still not quite practical, although many people are still using them. Many Bayesian estimators loose the nice sparsity property, which might be fine if the goal is only to do prediction, but is not desirable if we also need some real-world interpretattion.

I think his view of constrained total prior variance [eqn (3)] is quite interesting and deserves more thinking.

回复 第8楼 的 bootstrap:Agree. Also, our prior knowledge does not always produces discrete groups.

2 个月 后


Fan, J. and Li, R. (2001). Variable selection via nonconcave penalized

likelihood and its oracle properties. Journal of the American Sta-

tistical Association 96, 1348–1360.


Zou, H. (2006) The adaptive Lasso and its oracle properties. J. Am. Statist. Ass., 101, 1418–1429.

这篇文章中提出了Adaptive Lasso方法,新的方法具有Oracle的性质。

回复 第16楼 的 colinisstudent:什么是oracle性质,是不是就是什么无偏性这些?

回复 第17楼 的 lolo:嗯,有这样的意思。Oracle这个词对应的中文翻译叫做“神谕”,就是神的启示,它是指通过媒介(男女祭司或器物)传达神的难以捉摸或谜一般的启示或言语。在罚函数(比如LASSO)的研究领域,Oracle指的是以下的渐进性质




Donoho, D. L., and Johnstone, I . M. (1994a), “Ideal Spatial Adaptation by

Wavelet Shrinkage,” Biometrika, 81, 425–455.


5 个月 后

回复 第8楼 的 bootstrap:


1 年 后
5 个月 后

回复 第9楼 的 bootstrap:求link看火药味很重的评价